Saturday, August 29, 2009


yesterday it was a party and today it's an album. one day there will be an album party that will coincide with the story publication release.


||| n a n o b a n g b a n g . s e v e n |||
||| t h e ≈ s e c r e t s ≈ a l b u m |||

Everything is coming together from the ground up and we will be recording in early November.

The album is based on a story about a husband and a wife. The theme is secrets and the subconscious. The story is broken up into seven movements.

Picture 27

Picture 27

Picture 27Picture 27

Picture 27Picture 27Picture 27

Melissa Torrent has the entire story outline and she is working on the lyrics. Also, Allison Moore and Sara Berger know the whole story. For once it's not just me who will know the whole scope. (I have learned that, with nanobangbang, if I'm the only one who knows the big picture that's a lot of weight on just me).

Contributors are given their movement (portion of the story) to add their unique sounds as textural layers. Participants include: Winston Chapman, David Longoria, Eli Welbourne, Chad Allen, Christine Aprile, Hannah Liddell, Jason Chronis, Spencer Dobbs, Henna Chou, Cari Palazzolo, Stefanie Franciotti, Angeliska Polacheck, Eric Shaefer, Allison Moore, Melissa Torrent, Sara Berger and more(tba).

So the idea is that no one will know the rest of the story until they listen to the entire album. This way each movement will have its own distinct sound, but there will an underlying narrative glue..

Picture 26

The album release will coincide with the publication of the story: Secrets on a Hill.

It's gonna cost money to make this album. Money for recording, money for copies of the album art, money for distribution. Feel free to contribute! We're gonna need it.

Any donations would be appreciated. If people even donate $3, that will count for so much after a while. donate to Thank you so much. It takes a village...

I believe in the power of mysterious overtones,



Friday, August 28, 2009

9AM Friday Morning

Sara & I discuss NBB.7- THE SECRETS ALBUM amongst kittycats and over french toast, bacon, blueberries, and David Lynch Coffee.

9AM Friday Morning

She shared with me her & Winston's recordings of their first practice for the album based on a story. Sara on bassoon, Winston on fretless bass. They had never worked/played together before nanobangbang. In fact, they had not yet even me even though they were acquainted with eachother after Way No Way & Soft Healer played a show.

I am so utterly impressed with the sounds they are making (it's just their first meeting!) and she is so utterly excited by the project, we decide that (along with Melissa and Allison), Winston & Sara will become the backbone of the album. With others contributing layers upon it. Only knowing the part of the story that coincides with the movement they are adding textures too. When everyone listens to the album, only then will they know the whole story...


Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Compound

Yesterday Amanda Jones (also a new nbb member) came with me to check out the space where NBB.6 will be.
@ The Compound on Saturday September 19th for CotFG.


Quick clarification: originally NBB.6 was going to be THE SECRETS SHOW. But I was asked to do something for Church of the Friendly Ghost's TENT REVIVAL on Saturday September 19th.

Saving the SECRETS SHOW for NBB.7 (because the SECRETS SHOW will take a while to prepare). Plus, I've been really into exploring conceptual movement in the last 2 nbb shows, but there is no room for dance in the SECRETS SHOW.

NBB.6 @ 8pm only 10 minutes long

The show will be at The Compound which is right near Scoot Inn. I hadn't been there before actually. Very rad layout. And very conducive to the CotFG Tent Revival event because there's all these nooks and crannies, a very large outdoor space, and a HUGE stage. There will be a lot of things going on that fine Saturday: games, raffle prizes, tarot card reading, cake walk.. gonna be funn and a good cause.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

New Member

Utterly successful first meeting with the newest member of our illustrious collective...

Please welcome: SARA BERGER!

Classically trained bassonist, with an incredible singing voice. And most importantly, a fabulous and collaborative personality. She works at Tequila Mockingbird and is in a new band called Soft Healer.

She will be joining Nanobangbang for the 7th show. The SECRETS SHOW.

We will be releasing the NBB.7 album in October and doing the show in November.

I gave her and Winston the beginning outline of the story, with suggestions for the feel of the music. They will be working on the first three movements of the set. They do not know how it ends. Only Allison, Melissa and I know the whole story. Mysteries will unravel on that fateful nbb.7 night.

Monday, August 10, 2009


"Cheer Up Nano... Bang Up Charlie"

SAT 8/22 Starts @ 7pm
Cheer Up Charlies (East 6th & Waller)
Free to come. Bring your brain.
Dress like yourself.. EXCEPT IN THE FUTURE!


In this video I deal with the possibilities of Saturday August 22nd, 2009. The music is "Find Your Way" off Roberto Cacciapaglia's The Ann Steel album.


The song you hear is in fact one of the songs Christine & I have choreographed an amazing dance for and will be taking place as NBB.6!!! for Church Of The Friendly Ghost's Summer Tent Revival Event.
