Wednesday, June 17, 2009

NBB.6: Secrets

Melissa, Allison, Christine and I are going to work on a 20 minute set for NBB.6 based on a theme/concept/idea/story we are working on. I'm envisioning epic qualities as we span moods and genres.

Don't worry -- Nanobangbang is not forgetting the variety show aspect of our mission. After we have the skeleton I will ask other musicians to add texture & atmosphere to each song.

So, there will still be that quality of Nanobangbang that I love: where I ask a new person to come up on stage for each piece. However, there will be a thread running throughout the show so there is more preconceived control overall.

Also, I am continuing on my dance path...

It will be a 3 part show:
Starting with Dance
Transitioning to Music
Ending in Text/Speech



So after much thought I've decide on Nanobangbang SiX.

First I'll tell what I've learned.

I've learned that although I love the variety and spontaneity of Nanobangbang shows, the unexpected quality that creates so much excitement also creates a lot of tension/anxiety. Too many unknown factors. Too many people. Too little time and money. I'm very organized and on top of things (ask NBB members about color coded emails), and I've been very pleased with the turn out, and the *feeling* of each show, however, I'm always left feeling it can be even better; more refined.

If we had more time/money to prepare for each show, we could pull it off. There is no lack of talent. However, the ambition of changing set-up and line-up with each song, remains difficult. And I can't ask for more time because then we would be a band and the demands would be different.

The other thing I've learned is that it's very difficult to do all the production myself. Organizing everyone, figuring times and dates, emails, phone calls, then the promo, fliers, invites, etc. All the details: costumes, set list, and this time I made a zine. I need to learn how to distribute better or do less (although that doesn't seem to be an option considering I always think I fall short- even though it's a relatively large production considering the resources). I was happy that Cari & Christine and others stepped up to the plate in the end when I was too tired. But my performance did suffer because of all the stress in production and unexpected last minute issues.

So I have figured out a solution/idea for the next show...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A Response.

hi deeena,

you totally had an excellent show Sunday.

i've seen an overloaded vanload of well intentioned diverse shows over this vast plane of time, and your's stands as the best i've seen in 33 years.

your event was a momentous success.


Monday, June 8, 2009


Last night was incredible. The whole evening.

Will go into more later, I have packing to do, but...

NBB.5 came together so complexly and intricately.

A black cat even came and visited us on stage.

Over 200 people were there, fantastic for a Sunday night.

More later ... and will post photos as soon as they get to me! Samantha Gore, Eli Welbourne, and Fernando Flores were taking photographs so there will be some good ones!
Nick Smith got video.. though I'm reluctant to share much of that. I find the LIVE aspect especially important for nanobangbang-- being that it is a one time occasion. It's special and when you are not in that space and time, it loses meaning and intention. Being that it is a one time occasion, capturing it for documentation's sake seems all the more important.

I think a new favorite way to describe nbb might be..
spec·ta·cle (spkt-kl)
1.a. Something that can be seen or viewed, especially something of a remarkable or impressive nature.
b. A public performance or display, especially one on a large or lavish scale.

c. A regrettable public display, as of bad behavior: drank too much and made a spectacle of himself.
2. spectacles
a. A pair of eyeglasses.
b. Something resembling eyeglasses in shape or suggesting them in function.

1. a strange, interesting, or ridiculous scene
2. an impressive public show
: the opening ceremony of the Olympics was an impressive spectacle
3. make a spectacle of oneself to draw attention to oneself by behaving foolishly [Latin spectare to watch]


Picture 14

1 Margarita 1h and 30 before the show adds up to a more relaxed (letting things roll off your shoulders) but not sloppy (still focused) show. Plus, more giggles.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Stef's Swimming Song

Rosemary and Stef worked asses off yesterday and came up a with a new song than the one Stef introduced to us last. Now they are both playing keys, Stef also sings, Rosemary also works the drum machine, and I'm doing the same percussion as I was last time (effected mic on a floor tom) but also the tambourine stick and sing once.

Super liking the new song but totally different vibe than the previous one. Which was Stef on distorted bass and Rosemary on slide guitar. This one is a sweeter song. The other one had a pocahaunted vibe.

Show's tomorrow night. NBD

Also got pile of clothes to choose from goodwill good price. Going for a Miami Vibe I think becauae of my pool. Was Cari's idea to tweak the standard Nanobangbang scheme of black & white, now it's white and black. We added a dash of red to everyone, one article thanks to Christine.

Eating chocolate covered espresso beans.

Feel like drinking wine tomorrow night.


Friday, June 5, 2009

Note New Order

Set List for nbb.5 has been tweaked after noticing that Stef & Amanda's songs should be side by side...


VOGUE OFF DANCE FIGHT: Christine, Deena, Anna, & AoD

INTRO (Melissa)

1. MelissaSong

Melissa: classical guitar, singing
Allison: bass guitar
Deena: classical guitar

2. RosemarySong

Rosemary: singing and keyboard
Cari: guitar
Ensemble: percussion

3. AmandaSong

Amanda: singing to 4track

4. StefSong

Stef: distorted bass, singing mic through effects
Rosemary: slide guitar or dub guitar
Deena: mic through effects into PA, floor tom, cymbol

5. ChristineSong

Christine: keyboard, singing

6. AllisonSong

Allison: classical guitar, singing
Deena: keyboard, talking/singing, hand cymbol
Cari: percussion

8. CariSong

Cari: singing & keyboard to 4track
Ensemble: dancing

Thursday, June 4, 2009

NBB Definition/Explanation

I'm currently refining the wording of what exactly Nanobangbang is. As you probably know, it's not a band... it's kind of a collective.

New specification:

Nanobangbang is a vehicle for participants to experiment with new ideas, sounds, and instruments. An opportunity for new collaborations. It is a vision for a special event. Although each show is always one time only, the creative comradery outlasts each performance and expands our artistic resources.

NBB Cards

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Meeting Notes

Ahhh! Pool Side Meeting was such a success! After the meeting adjourned I leaped into the pool. Let's see.. developments: added Cari on guitar to Rosemary's song, Rosemary & I to Stef's song, an "alien" to Allison's song, some more percussion to Cari's song. And overall excitement as we shared our songs with one another.

Figured out our clothing scheme. And distributed.

Finalized the stage plot for the show (which will most likely adjust once in the space).


I have a really good feeeling about this one. I want to thank CotFG's Allissa & Amanda for telling me that I could only use ladies for this show... it's turned out really well; the dynamic has been super.

Finished Zine For The Show!

Here's a peek

