Last night was incredible. The whole evening.
Will go into more later, I have packing to do, but...
NBB.5 came together so complexly and intricately.
A black cat even came and visited us on stage.
Over 200 people were there, fantastic for a Sunday night.
More later ... and will post photos as soon as they get to me! Samantha Gore, Eli Welbourne, and Fernando Flores were taking photographs so there will be some good ones!
Nick Smith got video.. though I'm reluctant to share much of that. I find the LIVE aspect especially important for nanobangbang-- being that it is a one time occasion. It's special and when you are not in that space and time, it loses meaning and intention. Being that it is a one time occasion, capturing it for documentation's sake seems all the more important.
I think a new favorite way to describe nbb might be..
spec·ta·cle (spkt-kl)
a. Something that can be seen or viewed, especially something of a remarkable or impressive nature.
b. A public performance or display, especially one on a large or lavish scale.c. A regrettable public display, as of bad behavior: drank too much and made a spectacle of himself.
2. spectacles
a. A pair of eyeglasses.
b. Something resembling eyeglasses in shape or suggesting them in function.
1. a strange, interesting, or ridiculous scene
2. an impressive public show: the opening ceremony of the Olympics was an impressive spectacle
3. make a spectacle of oneself to draw attention to oneself by behaving foolishly [Latin spectare to watch]

1 Margarita 1h and 30 before the show adds up to a more relaxed (letting things roll off your shoulders) but not sloppy (still focused) show. Plus, more giggles.