First I'll tell what I've learned.
I've learned that although I love the variety and spontaneity of Nanobangbang shows, the unexpected quality that creates so much excitement also creates a lot of tension/anxiety. Too many unknown factors. Too many people. Too little time and money. I'm very organized and on top of things (ask NBB members about color coded emails), and I've been very pleased with the turn out, and the *feeling* of each show, however, I'm always left feeling it can be even better; more refined.
If we had more time/money to prepare for each show, we could pull it off. There is no lack of talent. However, the ambition of changing set-up and line-up with each song, remains difficult. And I can't ask for more time because then we would be a band and the demands would be different.
The other thing I've learned is that it's very difficult to do all the production myself. Organizing everyone, figuring times and dates, emails, phone calls, then the promo, fliers, invites, etc. All the details: costumes, set list, and this time I made a zine. I need to learn how to distribute better or do less (although that doesn't seem to be an option considering I always think I fall short- even though it's a relatively large production considering the resources). I was happy that Cari & Christine and others stepped up to the plate in the end when I was too tired. But my performance did suffer because of all the stress in production and unexpected last minute issues.
So I have figured out a solution/idea for the next show...

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